16 JUL 2013 by ideonexus

 Directionality in Zero-G

Phrases like “things are looking up” and “look at the upside” once meant something like “consider the good in the situation,” but they went through an ironic shift in the solar system’s early spacecolonial culture, mutating in the microgravity of early tin-can stations to mean a variety of practically sarcastic sentiments, typically something like “be careful” or “let’s be realistic.” The joke (that is, that there is no “upside”) wore off in a hurry, but use it with some original space coloni...
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Many of the phrases we use on Earth make no sense in space.

04 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 Scientific Ignorance is Dangerous

I don't know to what extent ignorance of science and mathematics contributed to the decline of ancient Athens, but I know that the consequences of scientific illiteracy are far more dangerous in our time than in any that has come before. It's perilous and foolhardy for the average citizen to remain ignorant about global warming, say, or ozone depletion, air pollution, toxic and radioactive wastes, acid rain, topsoil erosion, tropical deforestation, exponential population growth. Jobs and wage...
Folksonomies: science culture
Folksonomies: science culture
  1  notes

In a world filled with scientific workings, ignorance of science prevents us from success and misinforms the Democratic populous.